Head and Neck Cancer
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Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a group of malignancies in which squamous cell carcinoma accounts for more than 90%. HNC is associated with smoking, alcohol consumption, human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus, air pollution, and previous local radiation therapy. Alfa Cytology is a world leader in the development of cancer vaccines. With our extensive experience and advanced platform, we can provide the best vaccine development services for head and neck cancer.

Introduction to Head and Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. Cancers can often be classified according to structure or cell type.

Immunotherapy in HNC

Immunotherapy is the latest development in the field of cancer, especially head and neck cancer. The spread of cancer is attributed to the failure of immune cells to kill tumors, usually due to a lack of immune cells or the limitations of cancer mechanisms. Immunotherapy works primarily by boosting the immune system to fight the spread of tumors. Therefore, some of the common immunotherapies involve directly infusing immune cells into the body while others work to suppress cancer mechanisms that limit immune cells from killing tumors.

HNC Vaccine

Cancer vaccines inhibit cancer development primarily by triggering the activation of the immune system. According to the stage of the disease, they can be roughly divided into two categories: preventive and therapeutic. However, according to different targeting sites, it can be divided into the following two categories.

HNC Vaccine Targeting T Cells

The humoral immunity in the specific immune system is mainly based on T cells. The tumor microenvironment usually suppresses the immune response intensity of T cells. HNC vaccines activate the specific immune response of T cells in the body by using tumor-associated antigens (TAA) or tumor-specific antigens (TSA) to achieve the goal of eliminating cancer.

HNC Vaccine Targeting B Cells

B cells can present antigens to helper T cells (TH) through MHC class II proteins, playing an important role in specific immunity. This is a process that can drive antibody affinity maturation. HNC therapeutic vaccines targeting B cells can improve the prognosis of unresponsive tumors by triggering enhanced immune responses.

Our Service

Therapy for HNC usually includes surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. Although the therapies have made great progress, there will still be a local recurrence and other phenomena. Therapeutic cancer vaccines are an additional form to induce an immune-mediated anti-tumor response. Generally, vaccines are based on peptides or vectors to induce an immune response in the body against specific tumor-associated antigens. Therefore, against HNC, Alfa Cytology provides various services related to cancer vaccine development, such as tumor antigen recognition services and vaccine development services based on antigen peptides.

The principle of cancer vaccines is to achieve anti-cancer effects by activating or enhancing effective CD4+/CD8+ antigen-specific t-cell responses. Alfa Cytology is committed to the research and development of therapeutic head and neck cancer vaccines, from the discovery of cancer antigens, and the development of different types of vaccines, to vaccine research for different cancer types, providing one-stop services. If you are interested in our service, please contact us.

 For Research Only.