
Whole Genome Sequencing for Brain Tumors

Whole genome sequencing for brain tumors

Genomic information has been used to identify genetic diseases, find mutations that drive brain tumor development and track brain tumor outbreaks. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) provides single-base resolution of the entire genome. In a single run, structural variants (SV) can be identified for large segments of the genome and also include variants that are small enough to be potentially missed. Potentially pathogenic variants can be identified, thus allowing researchers to target further studies of gene expression and regulatory mechanisms.

WGS services we offer on brain tumors

The ability of WGS to provide a comprehensive view of the entire genome and the ability of Alfa Cytology to handle large sample data make WGS a powerful tool for basic brain tumor research. We can provide WGS services for brain tumor research areas, which can help our clients to obtain more information about brain tumor diseases.

  • In addition to obtaining information on gene expression regions, we can also obtain information on introns and intergenic regions.
  • WGS can be performed on different brain tumor individuals or patient groups to perform bioinformatic analysis at the individual or group level.
  • Various types of variants such as single nucleotide variation (SNV), copy number alteration (CNV), insertion and deletion (InDel), and SV can be comprehensively mined from the genome. It provides important information for screening the causative and susceptibility genes of brain tumors, studying the pathogenesis and genetic mechanism, and exploring the molecular targets related to brain tumors.

General services flow

General services flow for WGS of brain tumors

Bioinformatics analysis projects we can provide

No. Items
1 Data quality control to remove junction contamination and low-quality data
2 Comparison with reference sequences, statistical sequencing depth, and coverage
3 Somatic SNP / InDel / SV / CNV detection, annotation and statistics (paired samples)
4 Susceptibility gene screening
5 High-frequency mutation gene statistics and pathway enrichment analysis
6 NMF mutation characterization and mutation spectrum analysis
7 NovoDriver Known driver gene screening
8 Genomic variant Circos map display
9 MRT high-frequency mutation gene correlation analysis
10 Synergistic analysis of high-frequency mutant genes
11 Mutual exclusion analysis of high-frequency mutant genes
12 OncodriveCLUST driver gene prediction
13 Mutation site distribution analysis
14 High-frequency mutant gene SNP/InDel mutation site display
15 Predicted driver gene SNP/InDel mutation site display
16 High commonness CNV analysis
17 CNV distribution analysis
18 CNV reproducibility analysis
19 Fusion gene detection and Circos map display
20 ABSOLUTE tumor purity and ploidy analysis
21 Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis
22 Intratumor heterogeneity and clonal structure analysis
23 Single sample clonal structure analysis (Pyclone)
24 Somatic mutation CCF calculation
25 NovoDrug high-frequency mutation gene targeted dosing prediction
26 NovoDR drug resistance mutation screening
27 NovoNoncoding high-frequency mutation analysis of non-coding regions
28 Tumor evolutionary tree analysis
29 NovoVirus viral integration analysis
30 Multi-region sampling clone structure analysis for the same patient
31 Multi-sample inter-clonal structural evolution analysis (Pyclone)
32 Brain tumor microsatellite analysis
33 Brain tumor rearrangement characterization
34 Brain tumor telomere length analysis
35 Brain Tumor Kataegis analysis
36 Neoantigen prediction
37 Driver gene prediction
38 Mutation spectrum 3D display map
39 Conpair analysis of inter-sample concordance and contamination levels

Sample types: fresh frozen tissue, FFPE samples, blood samples, etc.

With WGS, Alfa Cytology can provide clients with a comprehensive view of the various alterations in a given brain tumor sample, including variants contributed by surrounding normal tissue and tumor clonality, by comparing DNA from a brain tumor and normal samples. Our WGS service also reveals the molecular abnormalities that drive brain tumor development, revealing targets that may help develop new therapies that target only cancer cells while not damaging healthy cells. Please feel free to contact us to learn which genes are mutated and drive the development of brain tumors so that you can select therapies that are best suited to attack specific molecules of cancer and thus provide more effective treatment options to your patients.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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